In March 2020 our teams went hard at work from the safety of their homes and Kara5®’s entire business switched to 100% remote work.

Being already fully connected online via communication platforms and cloud softwares, we've easily moved to remote work environment with our already established processes that proved conducive to a productive work from home.

When we analyzed our delivery velocity and all the projects completed from the beginning of the year until mid-May 2020 from our development, marketing and design teams working with over for 30+ clients from around the world, what we found out was that not only did our productivity remain stable in this period, but also there was an evident increase over the past two months.

Since the company’s beginnings, Vojdan Karapetkovski, Kara5®’ CEO, who was involved in setting and steering all the processes in accordance with our client requirements and team needs, has experienced how far we have evolved over the years. We have managed to build a supportive, friendly and healthy culture among our team members and strong relationships and trust with our clients, which were some of the crucial factors for our productivity and ability to deliver on our clients’ requests during the crises period.

The COVID crisis has been a serious test to businesses everywhere. Over the years, Vojdan has experienced different changes in our business and has been analyzing the trends, especially now during the lockdown period.


"The results are amazing. Not only did we manage to deliver timely and up to par, but we have experienced even an uplift in our productivity. However odd it may seem, our teams are even more productive now than ever before."

From the very beginnings, we have been actively collecting, monitoring and analyzing the data of all our projects, which helps us understand and optimize our processes for the future. Our performance during the lockdown is really an impressive achievement by all Kara5® team members. It is a result from a combination of things that we dedicatedly worked to achieve over the years, namely:

Our people and culture – our team is made up of amazing individuals who achieve great results through teamwork and dedication. Our team is comprised of professionals who are driven by progress and are passionate about all things digital. We have succeeded in building a team of people who are true to our company values, being: open, smart, analytical, thoughtful and adaptable.

Our trusting, immediate and adaptable relationship with our clients - we firmly believe in the power of small, autonomous and empowered teams working closely with our clients. Hence, we provide solutions that emerge from the close collaboration with our clients and that are custom made to fit their unique business needs.

Our digital processes – we believe that the geographical location should not affect the productivity of our team and that our services should be delivered from any location without any quality loss. Therefore, we have integrated a set of online communication platforms and cloud storage apps into our daily communication, which means that all our data is safely accessible from anywhere and our team is fully capable of working from any location they prefer.


"I am more than satisfied to see how we have managed to work together with our clients despite the disruption caused by the lockdown. We remain comitted to meeting our clients’ needs and to creating solutions that will help them overcome the new challenges and get their businesses back on track for progress.” – Vojdan Karapetkovski, CEO Kara5®.