Get out, experience new things and make memories.
ADD STORIES presents the new MINI Countryman as an adventurer, a bridge-builder between town and country, a trailblazer for new impressions and fresh stories off the beaten track.
The new MINI Countryman makes these experiences possible – and takes its passengers along for the ride. The “ADD STORIES” slogan calls on viewers to go out and try new things. Every mile travelled on new roads provides new impressions and stories for sharing with friends and family.
The integrated digital marketing campaign was accompanied by a test drive winning contest for the new MINI Countryman with start of communications in April 2017.
Digital content not only with advertising the videos, but also to engage in dialogue with its fans and customers. With posts, banners and various types of online ads, tailored content to suit the target audience.
“ADD STORIES” uses strong visual storytelling to highlight the optimised space and enhanced product substance of the MINI Countryman.